Dendronotus dalli? from California
August 9, 2001
From: Bruce Wight

Hi Doc,
Here are some photos from our recent trip to San Miguel Island which is the northern most of our Channel Islands off the California coast. These two images were taken by my wife and are of a Dendronotus dalli. She took the photographs in about 60 feet of water on one of the high spots off San Miguel Island. They were feeding on the hydroid Aglaophenia.
Wight, B., 2001 (Aug 9) Dendronotus dalli? from California. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bruce,
Thanks very much for these photos. Are those its eggs in the top photo?
I didn't realise that Dendronotus dalli extended as far south as California. In the lower photo there seems to be an opaque white line down the tail which I think is a character of D. diversicolor [see Clinton Bauder's photo]. Could this perhaps be a white colour form of that species?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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