Cephalaspidea from Madeira

February 2, 1999
From: Manuel Malaquias

I am writing a paper about the Cephalaspidea of Madeira Archipelago (North Atlantic Ocean). Thompson (1976) said that Retusa truncatula is the same as Retusa mammillata (sin.) and Cylichnina nitidula (sin.) is the same as Retusa umbilicata.

I'd like to know from people working on the order Cephalaspidea if they agree with this opinion or if they have new information about this species that could change this point of view.
Thank you very much.

Manuel Malaquias


Malaquias, M., 1999 (Feb 2) Cephalaspidea from Madeira. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/529

Any relevant photos would be welcome -even just of the shell...Bill Rudman


Retusa spp.