Possible Tritonia lineata? from Spain
September 29, 2001
From: Miquel Pontes

Hello Bill,
Diving at Roses, Costa Brava, Spain, we found this beautiful tritoniid nudibranch. Among its main characteristics we observed the two white stripes running along the translucent body. These pictures were taken in 10 metres of water over a rocky bottom and the animal was on an orange Lophogorgia gorgonian.
All our previous Tritonia findings on these gorgonians corresponded to Tritonia nilsodhneri, but this specimen doesn't match the characteristics for this species, so we suspect it could be a Tritonia lineata.
Any help on this identification is welcome.
The gorgonian prey has been identified as Leptogorgia sarmentosa (Esper, 1789). See message from Helmut Zibrowius: 23 Oct 2001.
Pontes, M., 2001 (Sep 29) Possible Tritonia lineata? from Spain. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/5293Dear Miquel,
This is an interesting find. I can't see the oral veil very clearly but it doesn't seem to have the few long tapering oral tentacles that are found in most of the smaller European tritoniids, including T. lineata.
Hopefully someone in Europe will recognise it.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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