Berthella martensi from the Solomons
October 4, 2001
From: Bruce Potter

I found this beautiful Berthella martensi on 29 September, 2001. It was about 65mm long. It was on sand, just at the edge of a rubble patch in about 4 meters. This is on a dive site just on the edge of Honiara, in the Solomon Islands. I am assuming that it has lost part of it's mantle because the gills are visible.
Bruce Potter.
Potter, B., 2001 (Oct 4) Berthella martensi from the Solomons. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bruce,
This species certainly seems to have a great variation in colour. Looking at the photos we now have on the Forum it seems the yellow (or whitish) spotted form is characterised by having the anterior foot the same colour as the spots - in the case of your animal, bright yellow. As you suggest it seems to have autotomised the right side of the mantle, which makes the gills clearly visible.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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