Noumea subnivalis? from Japan
November 7, 2001
From: Nishina Masayoshi

Dear Dr.Rudman,
This animal maybe a kind of Noumea. Perhaps it is a juvenile because of the length (about 2 or 3mm). I think from that discussion we held before about the difference between Noumea nivalis and Noumea subnivalis, it may not be possible to identify these photos.
The color of rhinophore clubs in this animal is deep red with white edging. But the colour band around the mantle margin is single band of yellow or orange color. And the body, perhaps because it is a very small juvenile is not pure white (snow white) with scattered pointed papillae. is it possible for characteristics to appear in juveniles?
If so, there is a high probability that this is the juvenile of Noumea subnivalis.
Location: Hachijo Island Japan, 21 Oct, 2001, Depth: 7m, Length: 2 or 3mm.
Best Regards,
Nishina Masayoshi
Dear Nishina,
At this size, identification is very difficult. Even if I were to look at their radular teeth I would be unlikely to solve the problem because ther radular of juvenile chromodorids can look quite like the teeth of adult species of Noumea. it is one of the reasons I have suggested in the past that the genus Noumea may have evolved by a process we call neotony. [Neotony is where a juvenile animal becomes sexually mature while still retaining many of its juvenile features].
Another possibility is that your animal is a juvenile Mexichromis [see earlier message]. But basically, I can't disagree with your suggestion that it is probably impossible to identify such small specimens.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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