Hypselodoris villafranca from Spain
November 7, 2001
From: Luis Sánchez Tocino

Dear Dr. Rudman,
Here are some photos of Hypselodoris villafranca from the Mediterranean coast of Spain.
A: size - 20 mm , 23 January 1999, depth - 10m, Sponge: Dysidea fragilis, Punta del Vapor, (Almuñecar, Granada)
B: size - 20 mm, May 1998; depth - 7m, Cantarriján beach (Almuñecar,
C: size - 25 mm, April 1996; depth -10m, La Rijana beach (Torrenueva,
D: size 4mm, 6 October 1999, depth - 5 m (under stone), Piedra del Hombre,
(Bahía de la Herradura, Granada)
I have also sent some photos to show the detailed colour of the gills and rhinophores in a separate message.
Thanks Luis,
I see from an earlier message of yours that juvenile H. picta can also have a white line replacing the yellow around the anterior and posterior mantle edge. Are they the only two of these Mediterranean species of Hypselodoris that do this?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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