Elysia ornata? from Turkey
November 20, 2001
From: Baki Yokes

Dear Bill,
Here is a photo of a probable lessepsian sea slug captured in Antalya, Turkey. Unfortunately the colour slide have been developed as a negative film. I tried to recolour the photo on a photoshop program according to the observers directions, and now the colour of the animal is more or less like the original one. It looks like the Elysia ornata specimens posted on your Forum, but this one is rather big, around 12 cm. What is your opinion?
Photo data:
Place: Antalya, Turkey
Dive site: Uç Adalar
Depth: 5m
Size: approx. 12cm
Date: September 2001
Photo: Adnan Buyuk: ado2000tr@yahoo.com
Best wishes
Yokes, B., 2001 (Nov 20) Elysia ornata? from Turkey. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/5676Dear Baki,
Firstly for those who don't know the term lessepsian, it is derived from Ferdinand De Lesseps who led the team that built the Suez Canal, thus linking the Red Sea with the Mediterranean. Lessepsian migration refers to species which have entered the Mediterranean, from the Red Sea, through the Suez Canal. I have given some references to lessepsian migrants in a reply to an earlier message
Your animal certainly looks like E. ornata but I think I would identify it as the Indian Ocean species Elysia grandifolia Kelaart, 1858 which I think is different but needs more anatomical study. It differs in its large size, very large and thin parapodia, and the lack of white band separating the black and yellow/orange bands on the parapodial border. I know of no records of either Elysia ornata or E. grandifolia from the Mediterranean so it looks like you have another new find.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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