Two pics of juvenile Elysia viridis
January 11, 2002
From: Mike Noren

Dear Bill,
Here are two pics of juvenile Elysia viridis. The slugs were collected at Tjärnö on the Swedish west coast; depth and substrate unrecorded. Size is about 3-4mm. The pictures do not do justice to their brilliant coloration.
Juveniles like those on the pics are common at Tjärnö, but in all the years I've frequented the station I do not believe I've ever seen any E. viridis bigger than about 10mm there.
Mike Noren
Thanks Mike,
Although I am not familiar with Elysia viridis, I can agree that the brilliant and iridescent colours you can see in many sacoglossans under the microscope are seldom captured in photographs. I have included a close-up of the head of one of your animals to show the beginnings of the branching of the gut throughout the body wall to house the chloroplasts that it 'steals' from its plant food, to keep alive and photosynthesising.
Bill Rudman
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