Tambja sp. 4 - colour variation
January 17, 2002
From: Mary Jane Adams

Hi Bill,
When I was in Kavieng, Papua New Guinea, in October, 2001, I dived the "Old Slipway" to see if I could find Tambja sp. 4. This divesite is a muck divers paradise, richly endowed with many species of nudibranchs and other interesting sand dwellers. I found numerous Tambja sp. 4 and a couple of Tambja morosa. The Tambja sp. 4 varied greatly in color pattern from light to dark green with yellow to gold spots and
streaks. I found several of them crawling over the sand slope and many of them concentrated on a white filamentous material, apparently feeding. I dived this site in late afternoon dive and again about 9
pm. I saw more of them on the filamentous stuff at night than in the afternoon. I have dived around Kavieng many times in the past nine years, but this was the first time I have dived at the "Old Slipway" and the first time I have ever seen Tambja sp. 4. The animal in the bottom right photo seems to have lost its gills
Best regards,
Mary Jane
Dear Mary Jane,
Thanks for this collection of photos. The white filamentous stuff does appear to be a bryozoan colony of some sort.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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