Kaloplocamus from New Zealand
March 6, 2002
From: Gareth Jones

I Found this one on at the Poor Knights as usual. I have seen Tritonia incerta on the adjacent coast but never at the Poor Knights Ids [northeastern New Zealand]. This looks very different to me. Any ideas?
Gareth Jones
Pacific Hideaway, NZ
Jones, G., 2002 (Mar 6) Kaloplocamus from New Zealand. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/6327Dear Gareth,
This is another intersting find and new record from New Zealand. It is an animal we are calling Kaloplocamus ramosus. It is found in southeastern Australia and similar animals are reported in the Forum from Hong Kong. True K. ramosus is from the Mediterranean, so if this Pacific animal is the same, it probably got here as a hitchhiker on the bottom of a boat. It feeds on encrusting bryozoans which could easily foul a ship's hull and provide a home, and food, for a fellow traveller.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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