Rostanga cf. dentacus from Marshall Ids
March 7, 2002
From: Scott Johnson
Hi Bill,
Here is a second species of Rostanga from the Marshall Islands. These two individuals, which I have tentatively identified as Rostanga dentacus, were found on Kwajalein Atoll lagoon pinnacles under chunks of dead coral. Both animals were small, less than 10mm. Unfortunately, the camera didn't quite focus on one of them. I did not collect these animals, and from the pictures I cannot tell if they have horizontal rhinophoral lamellae. If I ever see it again, I'll take a closer look.
Thanks Scott,
If it were not for the egg ribbons I would happily accept that these were R. dentacus. However as we do not know what type of egg ribbon R. dentacus has, it would be misleading to include this with that species. Form the eggs I would guess this species has non-feeding planktonic [lecithotrophic] larvae. In one photo there seems to be a distinct white line down the posterior midline of the rhinophores. Perhaps that will prove to be a useful character when more specimens are found. T be safe will call this Rostanga cf. dentacus.
best wishes,
Bill Rudman