Phyllidiopsis krempfi from East Africa
May 23, 2002
From: Bernard Picton

Hi Bill,
It's quiet this week so I've got round to looking through pictures of nudibranchs and trying to put names on things. I have some range extensions to East Africa for several species including this record of what I think is Phyllidiopsis krempfi. These are from Pemba Island where I spent a week diving in Feb 1999 from the boat Kisiwani - the skipper is keen on nudibranchs and had a portfolio of pictures which enthused some of our party so I had some willing "spotters".
The specimens were large, 30-40 mm and I saw several individuals.
Picton, B. , 2002 (May 23) Phyllidiopsis krempfi from East Africa. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bernard,
It certainly looks like P. krempfi to me, which would certainly be an extension to the western side of the Indian Ocean. If your message concerning
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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