Chelidonura amoena from Taiwan
April 1, 2002
From: Todd Garthwaite

Hi Bill,
As requested, here's a nudibranch photo from Taiwan. I'm guessing this a Chelidonura amoena. Since Taiwan is located between between Okinawa and the Philippines, I was surprised to hear you say that very little is known about the fauna of this area. If it can be of any help to you and the Forum, I'd be delighted to contribute what little I have in the way of photos of nudibranchs from Taiwan. I hope this photo can get you started. More to come in the following week, or so, (and a lot more to come once the dive season kicks off next month).
Here are some further details:
Date/ Time: 07/14/'01, 08:58am
Dive site: "Beyond-The-Rocks",
Location: Dragon Cave Bay, N.E. Coast, Taiwan
Depth: 17.9 meters
Water temperature: 27 degrees C.
Size: Approx. 35mm.+
Stay golden.
Best wishes,
'Life, liberty, & the pursuit of nudis.'
Todd Garthwaite
(Taipei, Taiwan)
Garthwaite, T., 2002 (Apr 1) Chelidonura amoena from Taiwan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Todd,
Yes this is C. amoena. I look forward to your contributions. There are a few publications on the Taiwanese fauna but like most parts of the Indo-West Pacific there have been few faunal studies undertaken so we have much to learn about what is there.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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