Re: Chromodoris baumanni from Mexico
May 2, 2002
From: Alicia Hermosillo

Dear Dr. Rudman,
Thank you for your message about C. marislae. I have to mention I have not seen a T. evelinae as yet around here.
As far as the orange spots species, I have not seen Chromodoris norrisi, C. galexorum or C. annulata which are the likely ones to be found (remember I have been surveying only for 3 months). All C. baumanni I have seen in the area have red spots so close together it is almost a solid color and do not show the orange-red separated spots that some other specimens do.
Locality data for the picture: El Bajo del Cristo, Los Arcos, Bahia de Banderas, Pacific Coast of Mexico. March 17th, 45 feet deep.
Thanks Ali,
This is an interesting variation in the colour pattern. I am sure the other species will turn up in time. Nudibranchs are notoriously unhelpful when you really want them. I have been moment trying to find one specimen each of two of the most common chromodorids here in Sydney for some months withour success.
I am interested in your mention of Chromodoris annulata. If it does occur in the East Pacific it will be one of the strangest disjunct distributions of any mollusc species. It is usually found in the western Indian Ocean and there are some records along the northern Indian Ocean as far as Thailand. I suspect Alex Kerstitch's record from Isla Tortuga, Gulf of Mexico, may be a mislabelled photograph. I find the alternative idea of an animal being released from an aquarium rather unlikely.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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