Fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca
June 1, 2002
From: Arie W. Janssen

For some reason I discovered Bill's Sea Slug Forum only a few days ago. And I think it might be useful to let you all know that I specialise on mainly fossil heteropods and pteropods of Cainozoic age. I used to be a curator of the Dutch national Museum of Natural History (Palaeontology Department) at Leiden, the Netherlands, but currently I live a retired life in Malta, where I continue my research studying many samples from all over the world. Please have a look at my website to find further details about me and my work and a lot of info on holoplanktonic molluscs and their literature. I gratefully accept identification requests on fossil holoplanktonics ...
PHOTO: Clio (s. lat.) carinata (Audenino, 1897)
Loc: Çörten (Turkey, Adana)Miocene, 'Vindobonian', brownish-grey clays
Coll. National Museum of Natural History, Leiden (The Netherlands), reg. nr RGM 393.111 (leg. A.W. Janssen, 11 May 1990)
[Published Janssen (1995, pl. 6, fig. 1)]
Scale bar = 1 mm
A paper I am about to conclude is on the pteropod subfamily Cuvierininae, in which the evolutionary trends are analysed and new taxa will be described, both fossil and Recent.
Arie W. Janssen
Janssen, A W., 2002 (Jun 1) Fossil holoplanktonic Mollusca. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Re: Opisthobranch Fossil History
From: Kathe R. Jensen, June 2, 2002 -
Opisthobranch Fossil History
From: Juan Lucas Cervera, May 31, 2002