Eubranchus sanjuanensis? from British Columbia
June 19, 2002
From: Marli Wakeling

Hi Bill,
Here are several animals which are very common at this time of year. They are found on hydroids with egg masses. I used to think the egg masses were the nudibranch's, but in one view there is a snail, which may be the 'parent'. Would it be possible that these nudibranchs eat snail eggs, or is it just a coincidence they are found together?
Dive Site: Eastbourne Wall, Keats Island, British Columbia
Depth: 40 feet
Length: 5mm
Date: April 21,2002
Photograph: Marli Wakeling

Thanks Marli,
Perhaps someone can confirm the identity for us. Concerning the eggs. The certainly look like nudibranch eggs. From their size I would suspect that they are the eggs of this aeolid. There is one aeolid genus, Favorinus, which specialises on eating other opisthobranch eggs. The digestive gland in the cerata of Favorinus usually match the colour of the eggs they are eating. If by chance your aeolid was eating the white eggs, I would expect the digestive gland in the cerata to be white also.
Bill Rudman
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