Elysia diomedea-look alike from Japan
June 19, 2002
From: Nishina Masayoshi
Dear Bill,
I found this animal in Zamami Island (Kerama island group) Okinawa. I feel this animal is similar to Elysia diomedea (Bergh, 1894), especially around the parapodial edge. What I noticed is this animal has orange dots on the parapodial and parapodial edge. So I do not think this is E. diomedea but may be related species.
24 May, 2002
Zamami Island, Okinawa Japan.
Length: 10mm
Found by Atsushi Ono
Photo by N.Masayoshi
Masayoshi, N., 2002 (Jun 19) Elysia diomedea-look alike from Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/7152
Dear Nishina,
This is a fascinating animal. Its parapodia are indeed very folded, like in E. crispata and E. diomedea but it has very distinctive white spheres [glands?] arranged along the mantle edge. From the closeups we can clearly see that the finely branches digetsive gland ducts ramify throughout the parapodia and the rhinophores, suggesting this may be a 'solar powered' sacoglossan, keeping the algal chloroplasts alive and well in its own tissues.
Hopefully Kathe Jensen will recognise the species for us.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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