Flabellina babai from Turkey
June 11, 2002
From: Baki Yokes

Dear Bill,
Here is another Mediterranean Flabellina for the Forum. We observed approximately 20 specimens on the same rock, probably gathered for mating. On the upper right corner of one of the photos the egg mass is seen. Unfortunately this was the end of the film, so that I couldn't have a chance to take a full picture of the egg coil. This species is observed all throughout the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts of Turkey, but mostly at winter times.
Place: Antalya, Turkey
Dive site: Uc Adalar
Date: 3 May 2002
Depth: 24m, Water temp: 18C
Photos taken by Baki Yokes
Best regards
Dear Baki,
Thanks for another interesting record. I didn't realise how prominent the mantle edge is in Flabellina babai in this species, forming a distinctive ridge on each side between the ceratal clusters. I also suspect this has only been recorded from the western end of the Mediterranean previously so it will be interesting to hear from colleagues familiar with the Mediterranean fauna.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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