Dorid from Colombia

June 25, 2002
From: Alexander Taborda M

Dear, Dr. Rudman.
Here is a Chromodoris sp collected in Santa Marta (Colombian Caribbean) but I don't know the sp, please collaborate with me on this identification. Thank you. Its yellow and the surface dorsal possibly are y long 2.5cm and was find at 50cm depth on rocks.


Taborda, A., 2002 (Jun 25) Dorid from Colombia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Alexander,
If it has caryophyllidia it is not a chromodorid. The most likely genera are Jorunna and Rostanga. Two species have been described from the west Atlantic. Jorunna spazzola (Marcus, 1955) from Brazil is translucent whitish with darker spots and Rostanga byga Marcus, 1968, also from Brazil, is red, like most species of the genus. It is possible that your animal is a species of Rostanga, and the tight circle of gills supports that idea, but the onmly way to be sure is to look at its anatomy.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2002 (Jun 25). Comment on Dorid from Colombia by Alexander Taborda M. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Rostanga byga

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