Halgerda toliara from South Africa
June 24, 2002
From: Sean Sequeira

Dear Bill
I am new to your forum and I find your seaslug site very informative. This nudibranch was the size of the nail of my little finger, about 5mm in diameter. It was located behind a coral which was swaying in the surge, so much that I could only get this particular picture in clear focus. This photo was taken at Sodwana [east coast South Africa] in daylight hours. Our local diving capital. It was very well hidden. Depth 13m and water temperature was 26 degrees.
Sean Sequeira
Sequeira, S., 2002 (Jun 24) Halgerda toliara from South Africa. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/7323Dear Sean
This is a species of Halgerda. The network of ridges on its back are very distinctive. Your animal is probably Halgerda toliara which was recently described from Madagascar. Another possibility is H. formosa which normally has some black dots around the mantle edge. However it is possible that a juvenile, such as yours, may not a s yet have developed black spots.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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