Bornella stellifer From Bintan, Indonesia
August 16, 2002
From: Alice Lee

Note added 12 February 2009: This has been moved to Bornella sp. 2. See message #22250].
Dear Bill,
These nudibranchs were found on the Dutch Freighter wreck north of Bintan, Riau Archipelago, Indonesia.
Depth: 20m
Size: 8cm
3 August 2002
The head looks pretty strange - it looks like the head of a wobbegong shark.
Lee, A., 2002 (Aug 16) Bornella stellifer From Bintan, Indonesia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Alice,
These photo of Bornella stellifer are good because they show it on [feeding on?] a colony of hydroids. The main feature of the very distinctive head you mention are the two oral 'lappets' flanking the mouth. Each looks like a hand with outstretched fingers. The name 'stellifer' meaning starlike or 'carrying stars' is a reference to these structures, as is another name for this species, B. digitata, which refers tp them as 'digits' or 'fingers'.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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