Hexabranchus morsomus from Saba and St. Kitts
September 11, 2002
From: Linda Ianniello

Dear Bill,
Here are two examples of Hexabranchus morsomus the "Caribbean Spanish Dancer", showing the light and dark coloration.
UPPER: The dark one is from St. Kitts, a dive site called Paradise Reef, taken at night in July 2002. Depth was approximately 40 feet and the specimen was about 2.5 inches long.
The lighter one is from Saba, [Netherlands Antilles] a dive site called Torrens Point, taken at night in July 2002. Depth was approximately 40 feet and the specimen was about 2 inches long.
Linda Ianniello
Ianniello, L., 2002 (Sep 11) Hexabranchus morsomus from Saba and St. Kitts. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/7817Thanks Linda,
It's nice to get some photos of this species.
Bill Rudman