Phyllodesmium from North Sulawesi
October 14, 2002
From: Marli Wakeling
Hi Bill,
Here is a species of Phyllodesmium that I haven't been able to identify. It was found at night on sand near to a clump of soft coral polyps that it resembled.
Location: Jahir, Lembeh Straight, Suluwesi, Indonesia
Date: July 2002
Depth: 40 feet
Length: 2.5 cm.
Photograph: Marli Wakeling
Wakeling, M., 2002 (Oct 14) Phyllodesmium from North Sulawesi. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Marli,
This looks to be another unknown species. It has similarities to Phyllodesmium briareum, especially in the way the zooxanthellae in the cerata seem to be arranged in parallel rows along the ceratal wall, but I think the very long rhinophores may prove to be distinctive. If you by chance have another photo showing the soft coral it would be of interest.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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