Chelidonura? from the Philippines
December 2, 2002
From: Erwin Koehler

Dear Bill,
Here is one more picture ny Georg Heinze [] from the Philippines, Cabilao Island, Divesite "Lighthouse"
Size: 5mm
Depth: 3m
Date: May 2002
Koehler, E., 2002 (Dec 2) Chelidonura? from the Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erwin,
I am pretty sure this is Chelidonura sandrana but the relative lengths of the 'tails' is a problem. In this photo the right 'tail' is long and well-developed while the left one is a small stump. In C. sandrana the opposite occurs. One possibility is that the photo was scanned in reverse. Can you check please?
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