Syphonota geographica from Turkey
December 12, 2002
From: Ferda Buyukbaykal

Hello Bill,
I found a new nudibranch in Fethiye [Mediterranean coast, Turkey] this week end. It was 10 mt deep , sandy/stone bottom and 10 -12 cm. I think its name is Aplysia fasciata. Is that correct.?
Ferda Buyukbaykal
Dear Ferda,
This is another interesting find. It is a Sea Hare but not a species of Aplysia. It is Syphonota geographica which is another species from the Indo-West Pacific which has apparently made it through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean - another lessepsian migrant. I hesitate to say this is the first record of it from the Mediterranean but I have been unable to find it listed in any publication available to me. Eales (1960) lists Syphonota geographica as being 'circumtropical' but gives no localities. I am unable to find any reference to this species being found anywhere in the Atlantic
• Eales, N.B. (1960) Revision of the world species of Aplysia (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 5(10): 267-404.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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