Taringa halgerda from Philippines
December 20, 2002
From: Deanna Charlton-Jones

Here is another nudibranch from Puerta Gallera, Philippines, September 2002. Depth: 17m, Size: 4cm
This is named as Cadlinella in Helmut & Debelius '96 and Discodoris in '98, any update?
Deanna Charlton-Jones
Charlton-Jones, D., 2002 (Dec 20) Taringa halgerda from Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/8670Dear Deanne,
You can rest easy. It is neither a Cadlinella nor a Discodoris, but it has recently been named Taringa halgerda. Your nice photo of it with its apparent egg mass is useful, as it accords with the egg mass in the photo in Erwin's earlier message. Not 100% proof, but pretty strong circumstantial evidence at least
Bill Rudman
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