Berthella stellata? from Turkey
January 13, 2003
From: Baki Yokes

Dear Bill,
Here is a species from Turkey which I couldn't identify. It looks like a Notaspidean. The oscule-like yellow patch on the back reminds me of Berthella plumula.
Location: Antalya, Turkey
Dive-site: Uc Adalar
Size: around 5cm
Photos taken by Adnan Buyuk [])
What is your suggestion?
Best wishes
Dear Baki,
I agree that it probably a species of Berthella but I suspect it is the yellow form of Berthella stellata. It appears to have part of the white cross-like markng found in that species in the centre of the mantle rather than a sunken pit which is characteristic of B. plumula. I would welcome comments from anyone familiar with these species. It is interesting to see it on the bryozoan colony. In the lower left photo, the colony seems to have been eaten out except for the brown-purple patch in the upper left of the photo. I wonder if that indicates that it has been eating the bryozoan? We don't know very much about the feeding behaviour of these animals, although some species, such as B. plumula, feed on sponges.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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