Radula of Limacia ornata
January 17, 2003
From: Bill Rudman

Here is an Scanning Electron Micrograph of the a section of the radula of Limacia ornata. The radula teeth are highly differentiated. The first lateral tooth is small, the second is large, bicuspidate like that of a polycerid, and the remaining eight to nine lateral teeth form interlocking pointed plates. Unlike some other polycerids there are no slender, recurved outermost teeth.
Data: AM C108290. Sydney, NSW, Australia, December 1977. Photo: Geoff Avern
I am trying to add a representative selection of SEM photographs of radula to the Forum. Until they are separately indexed, you can find other radula illustrations on the Forum by using the SEARCH button at the top of each page. Search for either radula or SEM.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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