Colour form of Chelidonura sandrana
March 11, 2003
From: Gillian Elliott

Dear Bill,
I found this Chelidonura crawling over the sand at a depth of 10m at Mantanani Island, Sabah, Malaysia. It was approximately 10mm in length.
Am I correct in identifying it as a Chelidonura flavomaculata?
I look forward to hearing from you,
Gillian Elliott
Elliott, G., 2003 (Mar 11) Colour form of Chelidonura sandrana. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Gillian,
I am pretty sure this is a white colour form of Chelidonura sandrana. If you look at Nils Anthes' message from Lizard Island, Queensland, you will see a similarly coloured specimen, and my upper photo from Tanzania, on the species Fact Sheet shows how each yellow spot has a narrow ring of black separating it from the surrounding white patches and speckles. I am not sure I know of a species called Chelidonura flavomaculata.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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