Armina babai? from Changi, Singapore.
February 5, 2003
From: Ria Tan

Dear Bill,
As well as the sea slugs from Chek Jawa, we have also found some other animals on the intertidal flats at Changi, here in Singapore. Anything you can tell us about them would be very interesting.
Best wishes,
Ria Tan
Tan, R., 2003 (Feb 5) Armina babai? from Changi, Singapore.. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Ria,
This is Armina babai. Species of Armina usually feed on Sea Pens [Pennatulacea], which are very specialised cnidarians. Arminids tend to burrow in sand or mud during the day, emerging at night to feed. However some species seem to feed on soft corals, a closely related group of cnidarians.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman