Scutus in aquarium
February 4, 2003
From: Charles S. Thompson Jr.

I live in Essex Jct, Vermont and have a 38 gallon saltwater aquarium... Two years ago I was given a black sea slug from a friend who owns a local aquarium store... About a year ago I was given a second one identical to the first... I've since lost the older one due to a rock distaster in the tank which I'm very regretful of... I know nothing about these guy and would like to know what you might be able to tell me...
They are all black, mid-night black with a white foot and have a fringe around a oval body... The eyes, mouth, and "feelers" are located below the fringe... The center of the back is split and on rare occasions slightly open exposing a white colored tissue... From the older slug that died I found a flat oval shell which must be centered on the back inside the slitted back... The slugs are nocturnal coming out only in complete dark and returning home at first morning twielight... They seem to be vegetarians grazing on algie growing on the glass and any plant life I put in the tank... I hope this information helps... I'm sending photos as well... I can only guess as possible origins but my friend's live rock comes from the Fiji Islands but I don't know for sure if these two came off that rock... They were found later already moving across the glass of two different tanks...
Dear Charles,
From your description and photos I am sure what you have is the slug-like snail, Scutus. If you look at the Fact Sheet on the species, and at the other messages on the page you wil find quite a bit about its biology. As you thought, it is a vegetarian, so it is quite a useful little glass-cleaner.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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