Cerberilla from Chek Jawa, Singapore
February 11, 2003
From: Ria Tan

Dear Dr Rudman,
Just came back from a moderate low spring visit to Chek Jawa, Singapore [February, 2003] and out on the sand bar we saw this lovely little creature in a shallow pool of water. It was about 1cm long and busily moving about on the sand surface. It was near sunset. Would be very grateful if you could identify it for us. Alan Yeo took the picture.
Thank you!
Tan, R., 2003 (Feb 11) Cerberilla from Chek Jawa, Singapore. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/9170Dear Ria,
This is the same as a species we have from Hong Kong. It is a species of the burrowing aeolid genus Cerberilla. They are seldom seen, because of their burrowing behaviour, but are probably much more common than we imagine. The few species we know anything about feed on sand-dwelling sea anemones. They are characterised by their very wide foot and long oral tentacles. I suspect they emerge from the sand at night and use these long tentacles to search for anemones which probably also emerge at night.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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Cerberilla from Hong Kong
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