Aglajid from Japan

March 24, 2003
From: Norihiko Fukushima

Dear Bill,

I found a unknown sea slug.
It was found at Futo, Suruga Bay, Japan.

Date: 7 Dec 2002, Size approx: 10mm, Depth: 6m, Temperature: 18C. Lower

Best Regards,
Norihiko Fukushima

Dear Norihiko,
I suspect it is an aglajid such as Philinopsis or Chelidonura but I don't recognise this species at all. It could be a species which has been described only from its fragile internal shell. If so, it will be difficult to identify.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2003 (Mar 24). Comment on Aglajid from Japan by Norihiko Fukushima. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from


Aglajid sp. 4