Flabellina babai from Senegal
April 3, 2003
From: Marina Poddubetskaia

Dear Bill,
Here are some other shots from Dakar, Senegal, including spawning photo.
Is this Flabellina babai?
These photos were taken by Patrice Petit de Voize [PdeVoize@aol.com] on the Tacoma wreck in Senegal in April 2001.
Best wishes,
Marina (and Patrice).
Thanks Marina & Patrice,
Apart from the rather reddish look of the ceratal bands I am sure this is F. babai. In an earlier message Lucas Cervera notes that this species occurs in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coasts of Spain and Portugal. I don't know of any record from West Africa, but hopefully Lucas or other Atlantic workers can let us know.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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