Dermatobranchus from Philippines
June 23, 1999
From: Michael D. Miller

Dear Bill
Attached you will find a series of pics of what is believed to be a Dermatobranchus about 12mm long with a reddish head margin and a blue foot.
The animal was photographed at Dauin, Negros Oriental, Philippines this April.
Any ideas as to the identity??
Mike Miller
Miller, M.D., 1999 (Jun 23) Dermatobranchus from Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Mike,
I have reorganised your pics a bit and left some bits large so we can see the fantastic rhinophores arminids have.
Concerning identity. I agree they are Dermatobranchus but without a look at the radula I think it is very difficult at this stage to identify species, of which there seem to be a lot.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.