Hydatina physis from Senegal
April 19, 2003
From: Marina & Patrice

Dear Bill,
Here are two specimens of Hydatina physis from Dakar, Senegal.
These photos were taken by Patrice in April 1999.
Upper Photo: Tacoma Wreck, Depth: 10m
Lower Photo: Thiouriba, Depth: 28m
Best wishes,
Marina Poddubetskaia
Patrice Petit de Voize
Poddubetskaia, M. & Petit de Voize, P., 2003 (Apr 19) Hydatina physis from Senegal. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/9682Dear Marina & Patrice,
It's nice to see living animals of this East Atlantic form of Hydatina physis. This is the form that Odhner (1931) desribed from the Canary Ids as Hydatina stromfelti. In an earlier message I discuss my anatomical studies of this form, but I only had preserved animals to look at.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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