Jorunna tomentosa from Tunisia
May 8, 2003
From: Anis

Note added 30 Nov. 2006: This is clearly not Jorunna and was moved to a Discodoris cf lilacina page within a few days of posting. I have today moved it to a new Discodoris maculosa Fact Sheet. See messages associated with that Fact Sheet and the one for D. confusa, for details.
Dear Bill,
I found this sea slug in a coastal lagoon, "Lac de Tunis" [south section] in Tunis, Tunisia, North Africa. Depth: 0 to 1m some time between January and March, 2003.
Can you identify it please.
Anis, 2003 (May 8) Jorunna tomentosa from Tunisia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Anis,
From the 'furry' texture of the mantle, and its colour pattern, I would tentatively identify this as Jorunna tomentosa. There are other species of Jorunna described from the region so some local feedback would be welcome.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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