Re: Ken Ashman's Dendrodoris (1)
April 24, 2003
From: Jun Imamoto

Dear Bill,
When I saw Bruce Wight's photo of Dendrodoris from California, its form and a pattern reminded me of an animal I have found here in Japan - but the bakground colour is really different.
The animal in my photos from Sagami Bay are orange, and it was found under a rock with an orange sponge. Perhaps there is some relationship between the colour of the animal and its food sponge. I thought this animal was a colour form of Dendrodoris fumata until now.
Manazuru, Sagami Bay, Japan
size approx: 10 mm, Intertidal.
Temp: 23 C, 19 Oct 2002.
Photos: Jun Imamoto
I would be very happy if I could hear your comment. I have posted further photos in a separate message.
Best Regards,
Jun Imamoto
Dear Jun,
This is certainly Dendrodoris fumata. As I have illustrated on the species Fact Sheet, this is a highly variable species. There are a group of species worldwide which have black patches on the mantle. I am not sure if that means they are related or whether it is a coincidence. Considering that there are species which range from California, around the northern Pacific to Japan, a connection between the the black-spotted Japanese D. fumata and the Californian Dendrodoris sp. 4 certainly needs to be considered.
Your red animals are all quite small. Both D. fumata and D. nigra have a red juvenile colour form. I am not sure if it related to their food sponge, simply beause we don't know enough about their food preferences.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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