Chelidonura amoena spawning.
May 9, 2003
From: Johny Leffelaer

Dear Dr. Rudman,
This is my first addition to the Forum, which I regular visit. I thought you can use this image of a spawning Chelidonura amoena. For more images of my last trip to the Philippines, see Erwin Kohler's medslugs site,
Leffelaer, J., 2003 (May 9) Chelidonura amoena spawning.. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Johny,
By chance I also have a message showing the egg ribbon of a related species, Philinopsis cyanea, which I will also post today. The transparent bubble with a spiral string of eggs is very characteristic of the aglajids. In those living in soft sandy mud, they usually attach it by a long thin mucus string, which they bury in the sand like an anchor.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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