Aplysia parvula from Senegal
April 29, 2003
From: Marina & Patrice

Dear Bill,
Here is another nice guy from Dakar, Senegal. We have some difficulties trying to identify it. Could it be Aplysia oculifera?
Patrice took this photo in April 1999.
Site: Grand Thiouriba
Depth: 29m
Temperature: 16°C
Best wishes,
Marina Poddubetskaia
Patrice Petit de Voize
Poddubetskaia, M. & Petit de Voize, P., 2003 (Apr 29) Aplysia parvula from Senegal. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/9803
Dear Marina & Patrice,
This interesting photo made be do a bit more 'housework' on the Forum, tidying up a few loose ends concerning the Atlantic aplysiids. I am pretty sure this animal is an extreme colour form of Aplysia parvula. Have a look at Valda Fraser's photo of a South African colour form to see how the white spots aggregate into rings around a large white spot. Another clue are the development of what look like almost semipermanent lobes on the parapodial edge, which is also a feature of A. parvula. Perhaps this West African form will prove to be a distinctive species or subspecies, but a lot of work will need to be done worldwide before we can make such decisions.
I have used this occasion as an opportunity to move Erwin Koehler's Croatian animals from their position as a doubtful A. punctata, to the A. parvula page. Although they lack any black edging to the parapodia, their shape and the aggregations of white spots are very typical of A. parvula.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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