Risbecia pulchella from the Red Sea
May 17, 2003
From: Oren Lederman

Dear Bill,
I started taking pictures with my new camera (the old pne had poor macro abilities), and posted them on the Israely Diving Forum. One of the divers said that you would probably be interested in this picture, so here it is ;)
I hope i'm posting it in the right place.
The picture was taken in the Red Sea, in a diving spot called The Pyramid (north part of Eilat Bay). The specimen was located on the inner pyramid (the pyramid is actually two pyramids) on its south side
Depth: 18 meters.
Date: 03 May 2003.
Size: It was big, something like 4 inches, but I'm not sure precisely
Oren Lederman

Dear Oren,
Thanks for the photos. It is definitely the right place to send them. We have been having a bit of confusion sorting out 3 yellow spotted species from the Red Sea so any help we can get to understand colour variation etc is very useful. I would also be very interested in any biological information - like animals feeding, or on a particular sponge, or laying eggs, mating etc. I have recently discussed the differences between the yellow-spotted species in a separate message. I am pretty sure your animal is Risbecia pulchella. Its relatively large size, the bluish rhinophores with a white line up the posterior edge, the bluish mantle edge, and the numerous gills, many of which have nmultiple branching, are all characters of that species. The only character missing is the diffuse purplish patches which are usually found on the mantle of Risbecia pulchella. Despite their absence, I would identify this as R. pulchella.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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