Cadlina japonica
Baba, 1937

Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Chromodorididae


Japan, South Korea.


Locality: Tae An area.[126° E 36° 8'N], -10m, South Korea, Yellow Sea, 5~6 August 2006. Photographer: Sung Soon Choi.

The mantle is a broad ovate shape with a relatively wide mantle skirt hiding much of the body, except for the posterior tip of the foot when the animal is crawling. The mantle is covered with low rounded tubercles and the six gills are tripinnate.

The mantle is a translucent greyish colour with varying degrees of scattered brownish patching.  The low rounded tubercles covering the mantle are uncoloured, so stand out as lighter spots in the brown regions. The mantle and foot are edged with a thin milky yellow band. The rhinophores are translucent brownish with a milky yellow tip and the rhinophore pocket is also edged with milky yellow, either as a continuous line or as a series of spots. The gill pocket is similarly coloured and the translucent gills are tipped with milky yellow.

Grows to 70 mm in length.

  • Baba, K. (1937)  Two new species of the nudibranchiate genus Cadlina from Sagami Bay, Japan. Venus, The Japanese Journal of Malacology, 7: 75-80.
Authorship details
Rudman, W.B., 2006 (August 12) Cadlina japonica Baba, 1937. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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