Chelidonura pallida
Risbec, 1951.
Family: Aglajidae
Known from New Caledonia and Western Australia.
UPPER: Ashmore Reef, Western Australia, April 1986.
LOWER: Rottnest Island, Western Australia.
PHOTOS: Clay Bryce.
Similar in colour to Chelidonura electra, but that species has no black markings, and the left "tail" is much fleshier.
• Risbec, J., (1951). Notes sur les Tectibranches de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 7(7): 123-158.
Rudman, W.B., 1998 (October 14) Chelidonura pallida Risbec, 1951.. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/chelpall
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