Corambe steinbergae
(Lance, 1962)
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Corambidae
Northeastern Pacific from Alaska to Baja California, Mexico
Locality: Compost (Pfeiffer Point), 6 meters, Monterey, CA, USA, Pacific, 18 August 2007, Macrocystis Kelp Blade. Length: 4 mm. Photographer: Clinton Bauder.
Very similar in general appearance to Corambe pacifica, and found on the same encrusting colonies of the bryozoan Membranipora membranacea, the main distinguishing external feature is the absence of a posterior notch in the mantle skirt of C. steinbergae. The colour pattern consists of reticulate pattern of white lines, arranged to match the skeletal pattern of its bryozoan prey. There are also scattered diffuse red-brown spots. They grow to approximately 15 mm in length and are usually found on kelp, usually Macrocystis, and seagrasses bearing incrustations of Membranipora upon which they feed exclusively. They are often found in competitive coexistence with Corambe pacifica and there have been a considerable number of papers written about their ecology. This species has in recent years been placed in a number of genera [see message]. I am happy to follow the latest revision (Vales & Bouchet, 1998) which places it in Corambe.
Behrens, D.W. & Hermosillo, A. (1980). Eastern Pacific Nudibranchs: A guide to the Opisthobranchs from Alaska to Central America. Sea Challengers, Monterey, California.
Lance, J. R. (1962) A new Stiliger and a new Corambella (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) from the northwestern Pacific. The Veliger, 5(1): 33-38, pl. 6.
Valdes, Angel, & P. Bouchet. (1998) A blind abyssal Corambidae (Mollusca, Nudibranchia) from the Norwegian Sea, with a reevaluation of the systematics of the family. Sarsia, 83(1): 15-20.
Yoshioka, P.M. (1986). Life history patterns of the dorid nudibranchs Doridella steinbergae and Corambe pacifica. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 31: 179-184.
Yoshioka, P.M. (1986). Competitive coexistence of the dorid nudibranchs Doridella steinbergae and Corambe pacifica. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 33: 81-88.
Rudman, W.B., 2007 (September 18) Corambe steinbergae (Lance, 1962). [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/corastei
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