Doto koenneckeri
Lemche, 1976

Family: Dotidae


Europe, from Scotland to the Mediterranean.


'La digue', Port-Leucate , 3m,  France, Mediterranean, 16 May 2005. Length: 5 - 6 mm.  Photographer: Marina Poddubetskaia Ossokine

The body is translucent cream or whitish with a heavy pigmentation of brown on the sides, the dorsum, and the head. There is a unpigmented band down each side of the body between the cerata. The cerata ate transparent with the brownish digestive gland showing through. There are a few opaque white glands? in the tubercles, and at the tips of each ceratal tuercle there is a dark purplish mark. Picton & Morrow (1994) characterise this purplish mark as 'comma shaped' and distinguish it from the 'perfect' spot found in other species of Doto.

The ceratal tubercles, especially the terminal one, are very elongate. Picton & Morrow (1994) report that this species feeds on the hydroid Aglaophenia pluma.

Note: Previously on the Forum as Doto sp. 3.

  • Lemche, H. (1976). New British species of Doto Oken, 1815 (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia). Journal of the Marine Biological Association, United Kingdom, 56: 691-706
  • Picton, B. E. and Morrow, C. C. (1994) A Field Guide to the Nudibranchs of the British Isles. London, Immel Publishing Ltd.  143pp.
Authorship details
Rudman, W.B., 2006 (April 28) Doto koenneckeri Lemche, 1976. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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