Eubranchus yolandae
Hermosillo & Valdes, 2007
Family: Eubranchidae
Known only from Bahia de Banderas on the Pacific coast of Mexico.
Locality: Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas, 52 feet, Jalisco, Mexico, tropical eastern Pacific, 26 May 2004, Rocky subtidal. Length: 7 mm. Photographer: Ali Hermosillo.
Animal translucent white with a dusting of opaque white along the sides. Through the dorsal body wall a zig-zag pattern of opaque whitish digestive gland ducts can be seen running to the ceratal rows. There are two thick red bands on the head running from the rhinophores to the anterior edge of the head and there are streaks of red on each side of the body between the ceratal clusters. Both the rhinophores and oral tentacles are translucent with a broad subapical band of red dusting. The ceratal wall is translucent clear except for a subapical band of red. The red digestive gland and the translucent white tip give the whole ceras a look of being red with a white tip.
The animal is quite elongate and the cerata are arranged in quite widely spaced rows down the body. The anus is situated dorsally about midway down the body. The largest animal found so far was 6 mm long alive
- Hermosillo A. & Valdés, A. 2007. Five new species of Aeolid nudibranchs (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) from the Tropical Eastern Pacific. American Malacological Bulletin, 22: 119-137, 13 text figures, 1 color pl.
Rudman, W.B., 2007 (August 6) Eubranchus yolandae Hermosillo & Valdes, 2007. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/eubryola
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Eubranchus yolandae from the tropical eastern Pacific
From: Ali Hermosillo, August 8, 2007