Facelina rhodopos
Yonow, 2000
Family: Glaucidae
Indo-West Pacific . [Described from Red Sea. Reported in Forun from Malaysia and sthn Japan]
Northern Red Sea, near Quesir, 0.5m depth, Oct 1995. 15mm long preserved. Photo: Johann Hinterkircher. [Yonow, 2000: Pls 25-26]
Body, cerata and tentacles translucent yellow to orange. Body moderately narrow with wider foot. Foot much longer than body and marked with a central longitudinal peach or pink band. Cerata, in seven or eight clusters of 6-15, usually club-shaped with a terminal nipple, sometimes fusiform, are translucent with an opaque peach or pink ring distally. The tip always white.
Rhinophores, propodial tentacles and long oral tentacles pale to bright orange with white distal speckling. Rhinophores obliquely lamellated and slightly longer than the large propodial tentacles but only one third the length of the oral tentacles. Tentacle tips may be white. Head and cardiac region brighter in colour and eyes visible at base of rhinophores. Reddish brown digestive gland visible as a central extension only. Genital swelling observed under or among the first cluster of cerata.
• Yonow, N. (2000). Red Sea Opisthobranchia 4: The orders Cephalaspidea, Anaspidea, Notasopidea and Nudibranchia: Dendronotacea and Aeolidacea. Fauna of Arabia, 18: 87-131.
Yonow, N., 2003 (January 9) Facelina rhodopos Yonow, 2000. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/facerhod
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