Liloa curta
(A. Adams, 1850)
Family: Haminoeidae
Probably has wide western Pacific distribution.
Koumac, northern New Caledonia, October 1993.
There are many small bubble shells which have been named from dead shells alone. There is a massive task waiting for someone, or an army, to try and identify the names, which have been accumulating since Linnaeus, with specimens of living or preserved animals, so that positive identifications can be made and synonymies discovered.
See Clay Carlson's message below discussing the identity of this species.
• Adams, A. (1850) Monograph of the family Bullidae. In: Sowerby, G. Thesaurus Conchyliorum. Vol. 2., London, pp. 553-608, pls 119-125.
Rudman, W.B., 1998 (December 22) Liloa curta (A. Adams, 1850) . [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/lilocurt
Related messages
Liloa curta from the Red Sea
From: Binyamin Koretz, October 14, 2005 -
Your Atys sp is Liloa curta
From: Clay Carlson, December 22, 1998