Nembrotha guttata
Yonow, 1993
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Polyceridae
Subfamily: Nembrothinae
Known from Maldives, Indonesia, Philippines.
UPPER: Kudiboli Tilla, Felidu Atoll, Maldive Ids, at a depth of 21m. 21 Sept, 1993 Photo: John Chuk. LOWER: Heron Island [Great Barrier Reef, Qld, Australia], November 2001, 12 metres. 95 mm in length. Photo: Julie Marshall.
Black with scattered orange pustules all over body. Pustules can be edged with green. The foot bears an orange edge and there is an increased concentration of orange on the oral tentacles. The rhinophores are black, with an orange dusting on the anterior sides of the lamellae. Rhinophore pocket is black and edged with orange. Gills black with light green rachides.
Compare with N. cristata, N. kubaryana and red-spotted species
See message #21144 for discussion on possible synonymy with N. yonowae.
Yonow (1993) Opisthobranchs from the Maldive Islands, includng descriptions of seven new species (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Revue fr. Aquariol., 20: 97-130
Rudman, W.B., 2001 (July 12) Nembrotha guttata Yonow, 1993. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/nembgutt
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