Oxynoe olivacea
Rafinesque 1819
Superfamily: OXYNOOIDEA
Family: Oxynoidae
on Caulerpa prolifera. Antalya, Turkey [Divesite: Tatlisu koyu]. Depth: 18m. Size: 35mm., September 2, 2002. Photo: Baki Yokes
This common, shelled sacoglossan feeds on Caulerpa prolifera. Since the introduction of the invasive Caulerpa taxifolia to the Mediterranean, the biology and natural history of this species has been the subject of many studies, in the hope of using it as a biological control organism. Although it will eat C. taxifolia, its preferred food remains C. prolifera.
• Bogi, C., Coppini, M., Margelli, A. (1984) Contribution to the knowledge of North Tyrrhenean Malacofauna. La Conchiglia, 186-7: 3-7.
See separate page for full Reference List
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 2002 (October 2) Oxynoe olivacea Rafinesque 1819. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/oxynoliv
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